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3.00 Credits
In-depth exploration of services marketing. Highlights distinctions and identifies unique problems in marketing intangible products and services, and explores strategies and other measures designed to increase effectiveness. Services marketing poses special challenges for managers due to the differences between goods and services, and service organizations require a distinct approach to marketing strategy. Prereq: BUSA 311.
3.00 Credits
Global approach to the study of current marketing management issues faced by both goods and service-producing industries. Focus on understanding the myriad of economic, social, and cultural differences among countries today. Course addresses the economic and political implications of international trade, foreign investment, and ethical issues faced by companies operating globally. Prereq: BUSA 311.
3.00 Credits
Emphasis on the fundamental techniques of financial statement analysis. Building upon a review of accounting and investment concepts, course covers the analysis and interpretation of financial accounting information including the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. Examination of accounting information used in investment and credit decisions, including valuation and debt ratings. Prereqs: ACCT 211, ACCT 212, and BUSA 321. Offered: Jan Term.
3.00 Credits
Examination of the cultural, moral, and political effects of capitalism from Biblical times to present day. Readings from economists, philosophers, and historians, across the ideological spectrum, will be discussed. The second portion details three infrastructure elements of capitalism: an effective capital market, a stable economy and currency, and the ability to manage risk effectively. Prereq: BUSA 321. Offered: Spring.
3.00 Credits
Review of techniques, vehicles, and strategies for implementing investment goals in a portfolio context and in light of risk-return trade-off. Emphasis on gaining a fundamental understanding of the various capital markets as well as investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, options, and futures. Designed for students interested in careers in financial advising and investment management. Prereq: BUSA 321.
3.00 Credits
Study of specific finance topics of current interest, providing additional depth of knowledge in areas such as financial statement analysis and international financial issues. Topics subject to change; see class schedule for course title. Prereq: BUSA 321.
3.00 Credits
Study of risk management issues through guest presentations by executives from a variety of firms in the field. Includes review of current industry publications and articles, as well as financial materials for analysis. As the discipline of risk management becomes more complex, students need to appreciate the complexity and understand the importance of this area. Course should be of interest to those wanting a broad exposure to the influence of risk in business decision-making. Prereq: BUSA 321.
3.00 Credits
Study of the various types of financial institutions-banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, and mutual funds-and the regulatory and competitive environment in which they exist. Specific areas addressed include: the role of government in financial markets, the changing competitive boundaries of financial services firms, the markets for various financial instruments, and the measurement and management of risk among financial institutions. Prereq: BUSA 321.
3.00 Credits
Case-based course in which students apply skills and concepts acquired in the core finance course (Financial Management) to actual business situations. Prereq: BUSA 321.
3.00 Credits
Study of the pervading philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) and its implications for global competition on one scale and for organizational effectiveness on another. Basic tenets of TQM are addressed. General approaches of the quality gurus provide a framework for evaluating the industry-specific designs that are emerging. Includes exploration of the impact on organizational structure and behavior, and the study of specific TQM-related methodologies for continuous improvement and process reengineering. Prereq: BUSA 342.
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