Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Missions fieldwork in a Spanish-speaking country under the direction of a Samford mentor and on-site mission personnel. Open to all students with intermediate- mid language proficiency or higher. May also count as an upper-level major elective. Prereq: Permission of Spanish program director and the WLAC language missions coordinator. Offered: Upon request.
4.00 Credits
Study of intercultural communication and advanced Spanish language proficiency as needed for business contexts. Stresses commercial vocabulary, correspondence, and documentation appropriate to a variety of professional settings. Open to any student with advanced proficiency, this very practical course may count as an upper-level elective. Required for language and world trade concentration. Prereq: At least one 4-credit 300-level class. Offered: Spring.
4.00 Credits
In-depth study of grammar and syntactical structures aimed at improving student language skills. Utilizes a variety of methodologies including, but not limited to, composition, translation, and stylistic analysis. Required for all majors. Prereq: Successful completion of SPAN 302W. Offered: Fall.
3.00 Credits
Survey of the principal figures and literary movements of Spain from its beginnings to the present day. Stresses reading of primary works, critical analysis, library research, multi-draft composition, and continued development of advanced oral and written language proficiency within a literary context. Interactive class conducted in Spanish. Prereqs: Successful completion of SPAN 302W; and SPAN 315, 316, 317, or the equivalent. Offered: On rotation.
3.00 Credits
Survey of the principal figures and literary movements of Spanish America from its beginnings to the present day. Stresses reading of primary works, critical analysis, library research, multi-draft composition, and continued development of advanced oral and written language proficiency within a literary context. Interactive class conducted in Spanish. Prereqs: Successful completion of SPAN 302W; and SPAN 315, 316, 317, or the equivalent. Offered: Fall (403W); Spring (404W).
3.00 Credits
Study of selected Hispanic authors, literary movements, themes, or genres. Stresses reading of primary works, critical analysis, library research, multi-draft composition, and continued development of advanced oral and written language proficiency within a literary context. Interactive class conducted in Spanish. Course(s) may be repeated for credit if topics are different. Prereqs: Successful completion of SPAN 302W; and SPAN 315, 316, 317, or the equivalent. Offered: On rotation.
4.00 Credits
Study of fundamental strategies that form the infrastructure of the teaching process for certification at all levels of second-language acquisition methodology, P-12 or 7- 12. Emphasis on materials and methods appropriate to the designated levels of learning while promoting an awareness of the multiple facets of language learning. Capstone course for seniors seeking teaching certification that also includes preparation for exit oral and writing proficiency exams. Offered: Fall or Spring, as needed.
4.00 Credits
Research and writing course designed to synthesize skills acquired and knowledge gained in previous coursework. Students develop a thesis, propose a solution to a problem, or produce and perform a creative work. Capstone course for language and literature majors that also includes literary readings and preparation for exit oral and writing proficiency exams. Required of all first majors. Prereqs: Senior standing, successful completion of SPAN 375 and at least one 400-level literature course, and permission of program director. Offered: Spring.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Mentored independent study in language, culture, or literature. Variable credit. May be repeated for credit if topics are different. Prereqs: At least one 4-credit upper-level course, or the equivalent, and permission of program director and instructor. Offered: As needed.
4.00 Credits
Directed student internship in an international business setting in the U.S. or abroad, mentored by Samford faculty and supervised by on-site agency personnel. Language and world trade seniors complete 160 hours of on-site work, maintain journals in the target language, and prepare for exit oral and writing proficiency exams. Prereqs: Senior standing, successful completion of SPAN 370W, and permission of program director. Offered: As needed.
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