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3.00 Credits
Examination of the historical foundations of management thought, including the individuals who shaped the early development and study of management as a movement, vocation, and field of study. Connects early management thought and thinkers to current day management practices.
3.00 Credits
Study of activities involved in starting a company that would be based on the World Wide Web. Activities include: 1) assessment of potential business opportunities, 2) development of preliminary business plan, 3) design of technology process, and 4) hands-on implementation of technology procedures. Students design and develop websites utilizing software applications. Class time includes both classroom and computer lab settings. Offered: Jan Term.
3.00 Credits
Study of business activities planned and implemented to facilitate the exchange of goods and services in a contemporary marketing environment. Examines the product, price, promotion, and channel decisions faced by domestic and international business firms. Prereqs: ACCT 212, BUSA 231, and ECON 201. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Examination of the theory and practice of financial management, with an emphasis on corporate applications. Topics include: financial environment, time value of money, risk-return relationships, multinational financial management, features and valuation of corporate securities, cost of capital, and capital budgeting. Prereqs: ACCT 212, BUSA 231, and ECON 201. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Examination of issues of personal finance. How much and what type of insurance coverage is needed has become increasingly complex for various reasons: financial institutions are subject to fewer regulations and now offer consumers more options; homebuyers face an array of alternative mortgages; car buyers can lease or purchase; corporations are altering retirement plans. This course addresses the needs of students in making informed decisions that will affect their financial future. Offered: Jan Term and Summer.
3.00 Credits
Development of analytical thinking and data deduction skills. Includes analysis of variance and experimental design, nonparametric inference, advanced modeling and forecasting, statistical process control, and decision analysis as problem-solving tools with managerial and research applications. Prereqs: ACCT 212, BUSA 231, and ECON 201. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Examination of the central core of operations activities in manufacturing, utilities, and consumer service organizations. Focus on topics such as product and process development, capacity planning, inventory control, production scheduling, and quality. Emphasis on integration of strategic long-term and analytical short-term decisions and integration of operation functions within a firm. Includes use of quantitative models, spreadsheet models, and computers to provide framework and support for the development of management decisions. Prereqs: ACCT 212, BUSA 231, and ECON 201. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Study of the relevance and contribution of information systems to the growth and success of businesses. Focus on technical concepts relating to fundamental hardware, software, and communications concepts associated with the management of computer technologies. Includes ethical considerations encountered in making information system decisions. Prereqs: ACCT 212, BUSA 231, and ECON 201. Offered: Fall and Spring.
3.00 Credits
Purpose of course is two-fold: 1) In the area of subject matter knowledge, course is designed to supplement and broaden students' knowledge of international financial management practices, both through their own readings and research, and through direct contacts with key financial managers in the United Kingdom. 2) In the area of global awareness, students will acquire a greater understanding of the impact of cultural, political, and regulatory similarities and differences that affect the business environment of firms operating in the United States compared to those operating in Europe generally, and in the United Kingdom in particular. Offered: Jan Term, in London.
3.00 Credits
Special courses designed for and offered at the Daniel House London Study Centre. Topics vary. Offered: Jan Term.
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