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4.00 Credits
Covers the design and implementation of algorithms to solve engineering problems using a high-level programming language. Reviews elementary data structures, such as arrays, stacks, queues, and lists, and introduces more advanced structures, such as trees and graphs and the use of recursion. Covers both the algorithms to manipulate these data structures as well as their use in problem solving. Emphasizes the importance of software engineering principles. Introduces algorithm complexity analysis and its application to developing efficient algorithms.
4.00 Credits
Provides a basic treatment of electronic materials from atomic, molecular, and application viewpoints. Topics include atomic structure and bonding in materials, structure of materials, and crystal defects. These topics lay a foundation for the introduction of thermal and electronic conduction, which is the underlying physics of electronic devices. Finally, the electronic properties of semiconductors, dielectric, magnetic, superconducting, and optical materials are examined. The latter half deals with an introduction to the state of the art in electronic materials, including semiconductor nanoelectronics, magnetic semiconductors and spintronics, molecular electronics, carbon nanotubes, conducting polymers, diamondlike carbon, and other topics representing recent technological breakthroughs in the area of electronic materials.
4.00 Credits
Introduces basic device and signal models and circuit laws. Covers independent and dependent sources and resistors, basic circuit analysis with resistive networks, techniques of node-voltage and mesh-current analysis, Thevenin and Norton theorems, and the ideal operational amplifier model. Discusses common signal models, including step functions, exponentials, and sinusoids. Introduces energy storage elements and studies first-order circuits with the solution of related differential equations. Presents the unilateral Laplace transform as a technique for solving differential equations with initial conditions that model linear circuit behavior. Introduces Laplace transform equivalent circuit models and s-domain circuit analysis, including pole/zero plots and network functions. Considers circuits in the sinusoidal steady state using phasor representation. Presents the mutual inductance and the ideal transformer. Concludes with various power calculations in the sinusoidal steady state.
1.00 Credits
Provides a hands-on introduction to analog and digital electronic circuits and devices, concepts of frequency and signal-to-noise, and measurement and circuit-debugging techniques. Emphasizes active learning by doing, for example, designing, assembling, and testing a working electronic system.
4.00 Credits
Introduces methods of design and analysis of modern electronic circuits. Focuses on using large- and small-signal models to understand the behavior of transistors as amplifiers and switches. Briefly introduces operation of the principal semiconductor devices: diodes, field-effect transistors, and bipolar junction transistors. Analog electronics topics extend to the frequency response of transistor amplifiers and the use of cascaded amplifiers to increase gain and bandwidth. Digital electronics topics include NAND and NOR CMOS logic gates, dynamic power dissipation, gate delay, and fan-out.
1.00 Credits
Accompanies ECE U402. Includes experiments on characterization of diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETS and on design of circuits using these components. The circuits include multistage amplifiers and photoswitches.
4.00 Credits
Introduces electromagnetics and high-frequency applications. Topics include transmission lines: transmission line model with distributed circuit elements, transmission line equations and solutions, one-dimensional traveling and standing waves, and applications; electromagnetic field theory: Lorentz force equations, Maxwell's equations, Poynting theorem, and application to the transmission line's TEM waves. Also studies uniform plane wave propagation along a coordinate axis and along an arbitrary direction; equivalent transmission lines for TEM, TE, and TM waves; reflection and refraction of uniform plane waves by conducting and dielectric surfaces. Discusses applications to wave guides, resonators, and optical fibers and radiation and elementary antennas. Introduces modern techniques (computational methods) and applications (optics, bioelectromagnetics, and electromagnetic effects in high-speed digital circuits).
1.00 Credits
Accompanies ECE U440. Supports class material related to transmission lines, wave-guiding structures, plane-wave reflection and refraction, and antenna radiation. Includes experiments with microwave transmission line measurements and the determination of the properties of dielectric materials, network analyzer analysis of microwave properties of circuit elements and transmission line electrical length, analysis of effective dielectric constant and loss from microstripline resonator transmission, optical measurement of refraction and reflection leading to determination of Brewster angle and optical constants for transparent and absorbing materials, and measurement of radiation patterns from dipole antennas.
4.00 Credits
Develops the basic theory of continuous and discrete systems, with emphasis on linear time-invariant systems. Discusses the representation of signals and systems in both the time and frequency domain. Topics include linearity, time-invariance, causality, stability, convolution, system interconnection, and sinusoidal response. The Fourier and Laplace transforms are developed for the discussion of frequency-domain applications. Sampling and quantization of continuous waveforms (A/D and D/A conversion) are analyzed, leading to the discussion of discrete-time FIR and IIR systems, recursive analysis, and realization. The Z-transform and the discrete-time Fourier transform are developed, and applied to the analysis of discrete-time signals and systems.
1.00 Credits
Retired August 31, 2004. Accompanies ECE U464. Consists of experiments that are closely integrated with ECE U464. The experiments are designed to aid the student in obtaining a deeper physical understanding of the signal and system theory concepts and applications.
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