Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
to school requirements and state licensure. Preliminary assessment in basic mathematics skills. Introduction to the uses of educational media and technology in classrooms. Required of all SED undergraduate students and all other students seeking teacher licensure. Must be taken concurrently with SED ED 100. Staff. 0 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
and seniors only. How culture, race, language, poverty, social change, urban pressures, and rural isolation affect the work of schools and other educational institutions, based upon reading, discussion, field research, and extensive writing by students. For Section A1, SED ED 410 and ED 412 must be taken in the same semester. For Section B1, ED 410 must be taken in the fall and ED 412 in the spring. Stamped approval required. Glenn, Boatman. 2 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SED ED 410. Juniors and seniors only. Political and professional decision making in education in a democracy, emergent issues in educational policy, and the ethics of educational practice, based upon reading, discussion, planning exercises, and extensive writing by students. For Section A1, ED 410 and ED 412 must be taken in the same semester. For Section B1, ED 410 must be taken in the fall and ED 412 in the spring. Stamped approval required. Glenn, Boatman. 2 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
investigate the educational potential and the pitfalls of innovative web-based learning resources such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds, and other Web 2.0 technologies as they design resources for achieving learning objectives in chosen levels of education. Whittier. 2 cr, either sem.
4.00 Credits
of children's literature (print and nonprint) including wide reading of children's books and introduction to authors, illustrators, and other media creators. For teachers and those preparing to be media specialists . Staff . 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
offered 2008/2009
3.00 Credits
offered 2008/2009
5.00 Credits
8Prereq: EN 508. For description, see SED EN 507. Staff. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
1.00 Credits
2Prereq: SED EN 507. For description, see SED EN 508. Staff. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
1.00 Credits
2Study of current theories and practices in teaching English, analysis of materials, and practice in adapting and expanding textbook, genres of literature, and other source materials. Staff. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
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