Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
SED LS 565 and SED DE 571. Structural linguistic study of specific aspects of phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicology in ASL. Concepts of language variation, dialect, creolization, and bilingualism. Kuntze. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
2.00 Credits
an overview of developmental theories of preadolescence and adolescence. Also examines diverse learning theories. Considers in detail the physical, cognitive, sociomoral, personal, and identity development of preadolescents and adolescents. How education may promote these broad, interrelated human competencies. Considers effects of social institutions, particularly the school (middle and secondary) and the family, in promoting or inhibiting growth and learning in adolescents. Relies heavily on general reading with student- and faculty-led discussions. Analytical paper or applied project is required. Cottle. 2 cr.
3.00 Credits
CAS PS 101 and CAS PS 241. Analyzes selected aspects of development in young children. Includes both descriptive information (milestones) and theory (processes accounting for development) and stresses application of these to early education. Edson. 4 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
of the historical and philosophical foundations of early childhood education, Pre-K C2. Study of selected programs and curriculum models in a variety of settings. Lannak. 2 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SED ED 100 and SED EC 305. Stamped approval required. Required in initial licensure program for majors. Includes supervised teaching of 3- to 5year-olds. Emphasis on curriculum development, instructional planning, classroom management, assessment/evaluation, and adaptation of teaching to special learners. Edson. 8 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SED EC 350 and SED EC 405. Stamped approval required. Develops competency in reading and language skills, social and science education, basic elements of curriculum design, and the institutional policies and practices of early childhood education. Edson. 8 cr, both sem.
1.00 Credits
2Prereq: SED EC 453. Required of students who seek licensure in early childhood education. Supervised student teaching in a grades 1 -2 classroom (for undergraduates only) including classroom management and evaluation of the learner. Requires participation in seminars . Lannak . 10 cr (undergraduate), either sem.
3.00 Credits
Introduces a wide array of children's literature, fiction and nonfiction, appropriate and necessary for the establishment of a literacy-based classroom. Students develop criteria for literature evaluation, investigate media's influence upon literature, and explore ways to incorporate children's literature throughout the curriculum (P r e-K C2). St aff. 2 cr, either s
3.00 Credits
Prepares early childhood majors to conduct assessment of children within the classroom. History of assessment, current trends, and assessment principles are examined. Edson. 2 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
to orient students to the education profession. Focuses on teacher competency, philosophical concepts applied to education, schooling as a societal system in itself, including character education, curriculum, administrative organization, learning principles, the emergence of the educator in society, and the education of special populations in schooling. Must be taken concurrently with SED ED 101. Tate. 6 cr, either sem.
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