Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
SAR HS 582, OT 563, OT 564; coreq: OT 565. This companion course to OT 565 provides students the knowledge and resources needed for effective clinical reasoning about occupation-based evaluation and intervention applying the biomechanical and neurorehabilitation frames of reference. Topics covered include diagnostic conditions and disorders, models and theories of practice, research evidence, and practice contexts/environments. Content is applied to individuals living with long-term conditions who are most likely to benefit from remediation interventions to enable performance of meaningful interventions to enable performance of meaningful occupations, e.g., ADL/IADLs, work, education, play, leisure, and social participation. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
students in the Occupational Therapy program; others by consent of the instructor. Advanced study in a selected area of occupational therapy theory or practice. Specific topic announced in the semester offered. Seminar and/or supervised laboratory study as appropriate to the particular topic. 2 or 4 cr, either sem.
2.00 Credits
required for all students in the semester prior to the start of their off-campus field experiences. Fee equal to the cost of 2 credits. A seminar is presented spring semester for students completing didactic coursework. Topics include supervision issues, fieldwork experience responsibilities, and information on certification, licensure, and the job search. 0 cr, either sem.
1.00 Credits
Prereq: completion of MSOT academic program. Full-time, on-site clinical experience. 0 cr, either sem.
2.00 Credits
Prereq: completion of MSOT academic program. Full-time, on-site clinical experience. 0 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
completion of MSOT academic program. Optional (via petition) full-time, on-site clinical experience. 0 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SAR OT 520. This second course in the evidence-based practice sequence focuses on critical analysis of research on intervention effectiveness. Students examine issues of internal, external, and statistical validity as they relate to the appropriate use of evidence for clinical decision-making. 2 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
SAR OT 520, OT 620. This is the third course in a sequence that develops skills and knowledge for evidence-based occupational therapy practice. The course focuses on designing and conducting program evaluations and systematic examination of outcomes from one's individual practice. 2 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
consent of supervising instructor and director of the program. Individually supervised study for advanced student wishing to pursue a specialized area of interest in occupational therapy. 1 C2 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SAR OT 620, consent of instructor. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, the student develops a written research proposal. 2 cr, 1st sem.
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