Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
SAR HP 561. A continuation of SAR HP 561. Physical therapy and athletic training students only. Elaborates on the processes of problem-solving and scientific inquiry. Explores detailed issues of research design, data collection, data analysis, and research conclusions. 2 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
students only. This course includes organizational management theory and principles and includes quantitative analysis of health care problems. The issues of supervision, quality assurance, and marketing are explored in a case-based format. This course also introduces the concepts of human resources and quality assurance including productivity, contracts, and ethical/legal issues as they relate to rehabilitation management. 4 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
DPT students only; prereq: successful completion of SAR AT 505 and first year PT courses. This is a clinical experience that combines the practices of athletic training and physical therapy. 1 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
SAR OT 904. Professionally significant research study, resulting in thesis presented in full length or journal article format. Thesis should be an independent project incorporating rigorous application of scientific inquiry and writing skills. See degree requirements for specific programs. 1 C4 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
basic concepts in nutrition including the function of nutrients and the effects of deficiencies and excesses. These basic concepts are then applied to current issues throughout the life cycle including the role of diet in malnutrition, heart disease, cancer, weight management, and eating disorders. Dietary guidelines for prevention of chronic disease are stressed. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
course demonstrates access to information resources in the biomedical sciences, including hard copy, on-line databases (e.g., LexisNexis, PubMed, OVID), and web searching and how to critically evaluate these information sources. Classes are held in the computer lab to facilitate hands-on learning. 2 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
CAS CH 172 or CAS CH 204, SAR HS 251, CAS BI 114 or CAS BI 311; limited to nutrition majors, or with consent of instructor. An in-depth didactic and laboratory treatment of the physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, and fats. Other related topics include food safety and preservation, culinary techniques, food regulations and standards, future directions in food technology, and subjective evaluation of food. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
CAS BI 105 or BI 108. An introduction to the science of nutrition for students with college-level preparation in the life sciences. Basic information regarding carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals is presented. Issues such as eating disorders, the role of diet in the development of chronic diseases, and diet and exercise are reviewed. The development and practical implementation of current dietary advice is discussed. A critical approach to the evaluation of scientific data is emphasized. 4 cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
SAR HS 251, CAS BI 211 or CAS BI 315. This course focuses on the changing nutritional requirements from infancy, childhood, and adolescence through the geriatric years. Nutritional needs specific to pregnancy and lactation will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on understanding the behavioral, socioeconomic, and cultural factors associated with meeting nutrition requirements throughout the life span. 4 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
examines the distribution of health and diseases across the population, and the factors that impact health. This course covers the principles and methods used in epidemiology, particularly as it relates to public health, including the types of study designs used in health care research and the interpretation of research studies. The final portion of the course focuses on critical evaluation of public health literature (journal articles). 4 cr, either sem.
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