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1.00 Credits
Emergency Medical Technician Certification. The EMT Refresher is a 24-hour continuing education training course required for EMT recertification. All topics of pre-hospital emergency medicine are discussed and reviewed as well as changes in state protocol. Knowledge and skills are tested at the conclusion of the course. 1 cr, either sem.
20.00 Credits
First Responder or Emergency Medical Technician Certification. International Trauma Life Support for the EMT-B and First Responder is a 20-hour hands-on continuing education training course offering basic EMS personnel complete training in the skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of trauma patients. The course is designed for providers performing initial evaluation and stabilization of the trauma patients. Class fee includes required text. cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: First Responder or Emergency Medical Technician. Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) is a unique 20-hour continuing education program created in recognition of the real need in EMS education for additional training in the handling of trauma patients. This indispensable program is designed to enhance and increase knowledge and skill in delivering critical care in the pre-hospital environment. The course focuses on trauma patients in the pre-hospital environment-how to identify, manage, and transport them with the highest level of care and give them the greatest chance of survival. Class fee includes required text. cr, 1st sem.
16.00 Credits
First Responder or Emergency Medical Technician Certification. Pediatric Education for Pre-Hospital Professionals (PEPP), developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, provides the core knowledge and skills to prepare pre-hospital professionals for comprehensive assessment and management of critically ill and injured infants and children. The 16-hour course emphasizes accurate assessment, using the Pediatric Assessment Triangle, family and child communications, error reduction in assessment and treatment, and pediatric-specific transportation decisions. Class fee includes required text. cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: First Responder or Emergency Medical Technician. This 8-hour course is designed to equip the health care provider to identify a pediatric victim at risk of severe cardiopulmonary distress, intervene early to stabilize the child, and contact the next level of care early. PEARS is a video-based, instructor-led classroom pediatric course designed to prepare health care providers and first responders who infrequently see critically ill children to initiate and manage the first few minutes of a pediatric arrest or prevent the arrest of a pediatric victim. This class is intended for health care providers and first responders who are not required to have Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) credentials but who might encounter pediatric patients in the course of their work, such as physicians, nurses, pre-hospital providers, in-hospital providers outside of critical-care areas, outpatient clinical staff, and school-based providers. Class fee includes required text. cr, 1st sem.
16.00 Credits
First Responder or Emergency Medical Technician Certification. Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services is a 16-hour continuing education training course developed by the American Geriatrics Society and the National Council of State EMS Training Coordinators. GEMS is an exciting curriculum designed specifically to help EMS providers address all of the special needs of the older population. GEMS represents the most credible and complete source of pre-hospital medical information for older adults. Class fee includes required text. cr, 1st sem.
6.00 Credits
Emergency Medical Technician. This American Heart Association course is a six-hour program designed to give students the opportunity to learn, practice, and demonstrate many airway skills used in resuscitation. Health care providers whose occupation or volunteer activities require airway management skills, in addition to professionals in the field of resuscitation and airway managment such as scientists, educators, researchers, and manufacturers of medical devices, will find the course beneficial. The learning model for this course includes video-guided instruction, skills practice, and testing in bag-mask ventilation and airway adjuncts, laryngeal mask airway, esophageal-tracheal combitude, endotracheal tube, and impedance threshold devices. This course does not provide certification, but instead is designed solely to enhance students' airway management skills. Class fee includes required text. cr, either sem.
8.00 Credits
Emergency Medical Technician. This American Heart Association course is an eight-hour program designed to enhance ECG recognition skills and drug treatment knowledge. It's an ideal class for health care providers who are preparing to take ACLS, but can also be used by anyone needing to learn ECG recognition skills and/or pharmacology. This comprehensive course presents information on basic electrophysiology, normal ECG measurements, basic arrhythmias, basic ACLS drugs, usage and routs of administration during cardiovascular emergencies, and how to integrate basic drug pharmacology into ACLS algorithms. Class fee includes required text. cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: Emergency Medical Technician or equivalent and PDP ER 440 and ER 445 or equivalent. This 16-hour course is designed for health-care providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of a hospital. ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival, the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions, and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation. Realistic simulations reinforce the following key concepts: proficiency in basic life support care, recognizing and initiating early management of peri-arrest conditions, managing cardiac arrest, identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and acute coronary syndromes, recognizing other life-threatening clinical situations (such as stroke), and providing initial care, ACLS algorithms, and effective resuscitation team dynamics. Students who pass course requirements earn a two-year certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Class fee includes required text and materials. cr, either sem.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: Advanced Cardiac Life Support. This 16-hour course is designed for pediatricians, house staff, emergency physicians, family physicians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other health care providers who are responsible for the well-being of infants and children. PALS provides the information needed to recognize infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest. This class reviews information and strategies needed to prevent cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children and the cognitive and psychomotor skills needed to resuscitate and stabilize infants and children in respiratory failure, shock, or cardiopulmonary arrest. Students who pass course requirements earn a two-year certification in Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Class fee includes required text and materials. cr, either sem.
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