Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
fundamentals of applied shipboard engineering. Topics: stability, propulsion, ship control and compartmentation. 3 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
fundamentals, applications, side-looking radar, and radar holography discussed. Selected readings on naval weapons and fire control systems. 3 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
role the U.S. Navy has played in the nation's history, both in peace and war; the Navy, a military and political institution, as an element in shaping the national consciousness and sense of purpose. 3 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
of navigation, coastal piloting, and safe transit of the world's oceans. Overview of tools and personnel of the modern naval watch officer. 3 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
study of tactics and planning in the employment of naval forces, including communications, tactical formations and dispositions, relative motion, manuevering board, and nautical rules of the road. 3 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
historically the development of warfare from the dawn of recorded history to the present, focusing on the impact of major military theorists, strategists, tacticians, and technological developments. The student acquires a basic sense of strategy, develops an understanding of military alternatives, and sees the impact of historical precedent on military thought and action. 3 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
depth examination of leadership and management practices in the Navy, and the concepts and theories that underlie them. A parallel review of American social and industrial organizations and practices. Emphasis on management and leadership functions, including control, direction, interaction, motivation, and decision making. 2 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
the student a basic background in the duties and responsibilities of a junior division and watch officer; strong emphasis on the junior officer's responsibilities in the area of training, counseling, and career development. Principles of leadership reinforced through leadership case studies. 2 cr, 2nd sem.
3.00 Credits
historical survey of the development of amphibious doctrine and conduct of amphibious operations. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of amphibious warfare in the twentieth century, especially during World War II. Present-day potential and limitations of amphibious operations, including the rapid deployment force concept, are explored. 3 cr, 1st sem.
3.00 Credits
those who have had little or no swimming experience. Instruction in basic swimming skills for beginners to advanced beginners. Learn and improve the crawl stroke, elementary backstroke, backstroke, sidestroke, and breaststroke. Work at your own pace with individualized guidance from the instructor. 1 cr, either sem.
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