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4.00 Credits
ENG ME 304 or consent of instructor. Introduction to momentum, heat, and mass transport phenomena occurring in various processes. Whereas transport phenomena underlie many processes in engineering-agriculture, meteorology, physiology, biology, analytical chemistry, materials science, pharmacy, and other areas-they are key to specific applications in diverse areas such as materials processing, green manufacturing of primary materials, biological membranes, fuel cell engineering, and synthesis of clean fuels. This course covers three closely related transport phenomena: momentum transfer (fluid flow), energy transfer (heat flow), and mass transfer (diffusion). The mathematical underpinnings of all three transport phenomena are closely related and the differential equations governing them are frequently quite similar. Since in many situations the three transport phenomena occur together, they are presented and studied together in this course. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CAS PY 313, CAS PY 354, ENG ME 307, ENG ME 309, or equivalent or consent of instructor. Mechanics and physics of solids at the nanometer scale: introductory graduate-level course for students with background in undergraduate engineering mechanics (or solid state physics) and mathematics. Review of continuum solid mechanics fundamentals. Introduction to dislocation theory. Continuum elastic theory of dislocations. Mechanics of thin films. Review of fundamentals of solid state physics. Electron motion in a periodic potential. Derivative of bulk material properties from free-electron and free-atom models. Phonons. Introduction to atomistic computational methods. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 305 and ENG ME 306 or graduate standing. Relates mechanical behavior of crystalline materials to processes occurring at microscopic and/or atomic levels. Topics covered include structure of materials and their determination by X-ray diffraction; dislocations and their relationship to plastic deformation and strength of materials; fracture and creep. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate standing or consent of instructor. This course deals with the materials issues in microelectronics processing. Fundamental materials science concepts of bonding, electronic structure, crystal structure, defects, and phase diagrams are applied to key processing steps in microelectronics technology. Also included are single crystal growth, lithography, thermal oxidation of Si, dopant diffusion, ion implantation, thin film deposition, etching and back-end processing; as well as widely used microelectronics simulation software such as SUPREM. Materials challenges in emerging direction in micro- and nanoelectronics, including silicon on insulator technology, Si-Ge strained layers, and quantum dots will also be addressed. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
senior/graduate standing; background knowledge of chemistry CAS CH 101 or CAS CH 131; calculus through differental equations CAS MA 226; thermodynamics ENG ME 304 or ENG EK 424; and process kinetics ENG ME 465 or ENG ME 529; or consent of instructor. Relevant process engineering principles will be reviewed and utilized to study unit operations and processes that are employed in various manufacturing industries to comply with environmental laws and regulations. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 529. Electrochemistry of high temperature fuel cells, batteries, and ceramic gas separation membranes. Types, advantages, and disadvantages of fuel cells currently being developed by the power generation industry, and the electrochemical underpinnings of fuel cell operation. Thermodynamics of fuel cells, electrode kinetics and mass transport in porous electrodes. Measurements techniques (dc polarization, ac impedance spectroscopy and blocking electrodes) used extensively in fuel cell research and development. Operation of batteries and ceramic gas separation membranes. Current manufacturing techniques used in fuel cell industry. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate status or consent of the instructor. This course will explore the world of microelectromechanical devices and systems (MEMS). This requires an awareness of design, fabrication, and material issues involved in MEMS. We will go over this through a combination of lectures, case studies, and individual homework assignments. The course will cover design, fabrication technologies, material properties, structural mechanics, basic sensing and actuation principles, packaging, and MEMS markets and applications. The course will emphasize MEMS fabrication and materials. This is not because the other parts aren't important. Instead, it is because with MEMS fabrication and materials expertise there is something concrete students can do that will always help. When we examine the special topics and case studies, a lot of these other pieces will be put together. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ENG ME 309 or equivalent. An introduction to the general theory of solid deformation; small deformation emphasized. Topics include: Cartesian tensors, indicial notation. Introduction to continuum mechanics: deformation of continuous media, deformation gradient, strain definitions. Stress, Cauchy's postulate, Cauchy and Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors. Balance laws. Constitutive equations, strain energy and Green's postulate. Linear Elasticity: two-dimensional problems, Airy stress function, in-plane loading of strips, St. Venant's principle, complex variable methods, Goursat-Muskhelishvili representation, stress concentrations around holes and cracks. Three-dimensional problems, Kelvin's solution, the Boussinesq problem, Hertzian contact, Eshelby's energy-momentum tensor. 4
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 309 and ENG ME 400 or equivalent. Fundamental concepts of modern materials behavior and materials engineering. Emphasis on analytical and numerical methods for predicting material properties and behavior, as well as some discussion of the relationships between solid structure and material properties. Topics include: constitutive relations, fracture, fatigue, plasticity, creep, damping, impact, and deformation. Elastic, plastic, and viscous behavior. Some discussion of the effects of processing-thermodynamics, kinetics-may be addressed. Specific examples from ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites is given, with the emphasis changing for each offering. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
introduction to sea power and the naval service, covering an overview of the organization and historical development of the U.S. Navy and its tactics and equipment. Covers the basic tenets of naval courtesy and customs; core values of honor, courage, and commitment; discipline; leadership; and shipboard organization; as well as the major challenges facing today's naval officer. 2 cr, 1st sem.
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