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2.00 Credits
graduate standing in engineering. This course examines the process of creating and managing products. It reveals the methodology and organizational approach for designing, developing, and revitalizing strong products that enable a firm to make the transition from one generation of technology to the next. This course also explains how well-designed product platforms can generate streams of derivative products through a continuous systematic process of renewal. The product development process is decomposed and its elements are examined critically in the context of case studies. (Formerly ENG MN 582.) 2 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 127 or knowledge of general programming language, ENG ME 308 or ENG EC 381. Modeling of discrete event systems and their analysis through simulations. Systems considered include, but are not limited to, manufacturing systems, computer-communication networks, and computer systems. Simulating random environments and output analysis in such contexts. A simulation language is introduced and is the main tool for simulation experimentation. Meets with ENG MN 514; students may not take both for credit. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 424 or ENG ME 309 and either ENG ME 304, ENG ME 422, ENG BE 420, ENG BE 436, or consent of instructor. The main goal of this course is to present a unified, mathematically rigorous approach to two classical branches of mechanics: the mechanics of fluids and the mechanics of solids. Topics will include kinematics, stress analysis, balance laws (mass, momentum, and energy), the entropy inequality, and constitutive equations in the framework of Cartesian vectors and tensors. Emphasis will be placed on mechanical principles that apply to all materials by using the unifying mathematical framework of Cartesian vectors and tensors. Illustrative examples from biology and physiology will be used to describe basic concepts in continuum mechanics. The course will end at the point from which specialized courses devoted to problems in fluid mechanics (e.g., biotransport) and solid mechanics (e.g., cellular biomechanics) could logically proceed; students may not receive credit for both. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ENG ME 411. Introduction to optimization problems and algorithms emphasizing problem formulation, basic methodologies, and underlying mathematical structures. Classical optimization theory as well as recent advances in the field. Topics include modeling issues and formulations, simplex method, duality theory, sensitivity analysis, large-scale optimization, integer programming, interior-point methods, nonlinear programming, optimality conditions, gradient methods, and conjugate direction methods. Applications considered; case studies included. Extensive paradigms from production planning and scheduling in manufacturing systems, other illustrative applications include fleet management, air traffic flow management, optimal routing in communication networks, optimal portfolio selection. Meets with ENG MN 524; students may not take both for credit. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EC 312 and ENG EC 450; ENG EC 441 is desirable; C programming experience required. Considers the evolution of embedded network sensing systems with the introduction of wireless network connectivity. Key themes are computing optimized for resource constrained (cost, energy, memory, and storage space) applications and sensing interfaces to connect to the physical world. Studies current technology for networked embedded network sensors including evolving protocol standards. A laboratory component of the course introduces students to the unique characteristics of distributed sensor motes including programming, reliable communication, sensing modalities, calibration, and application development. Meets with ENG MN 544; students may not take both for credit. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate standing plus an undergraduate course in semiconductors at the level of ENG EC 410, ENG EC 471, CAS PY 313, or CAS PY 354, or consent of instructor. Physical processes and manufacturing strategies for the fabrication and manufacture of microelectronic devices. Processing and device aspects instrumental in silicon, including the fabrication of doping distributions, etching, photolithography, interconnect construction, and packaging. Future directions and connections to novel devices, MEMS, photonics, and nanoscale structures will be discussed. Emphasis will be on "designing for manufacturability." The overall integration with methods and tools employed by device and circuit designers will be covered. Same as MN 579; students may not receive credit for both. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
CAS PY 212; CAS PY 313 recommended. Structure and properties of solids; crystalline structure; defect structures; atom movement and diffusion; nucleation and growth; deformation; phase diagrams; strengthening mechanisms; heat treatment; ferrous/nonferrous alloys; ceramics; polymers; composites. Includes lab. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 156, ENG ME 305, ENG ME 306, and ENG ME 304 or ENG EK 424. The influence of manufacturing processes on structure and properties of materials. Manufacturing by liquid and solid state processing techniques, material removal processes and bonding and joining processes. Surface modification techniques for enhancing performance and product service life. Includes lab. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 307 and CAS MA 226 or equivalent coursework and permission of the instructor; senior or graduate standing in engineering. An introduction to modeling and control as applied to industrial unit processes providing the basis for process development and improvement. Major themes include an integrated treatment of modeling multidomain physical systems (electrical, mechanical, fluid, thermal), application of classical control techniques, and system design. Topics include modeling techniques, analysis of linear dynamics, control fundamentals in the time and frequency domain, and actuator selection and control structure design. Examples drawn from a variety of manufacturing processes and case studies. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
senior or graduate standing in the engineering, physics, or chemistry disciplines, or consent of instructor. Modern simulation methods are used for describing and analyzing the behavior of realistic nonlinear systems that occur in the engineering and science disciplines. By developing and applying such methods and tools, much deeper understanding, insight, and control of novel technologies can be gained, thereby often greatly aiding technology development, and sometimes providing the leverage to turn a novel technology into a practical reality. Advanced numerical methods are covered for attacking nonlinear partial differential equations. Key aspects of the finite element method. Extensive use is made of the modern computational tools Maple and Scientific Workplace. Examples, including problems in micro- and nanoelectronics, bioengineering, material science, photonics, and physics, are introduced and related to sensing instrumentation and control. 4 cr.
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