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4.00 Credits
CAS MA 225 and CAS MA 226; senior standing, and consent of instructor. Introduces students of engineering to various mathematical techniques which are necessary in order to solve practical problems. Topics covered include a review of calculus methods, elements of probability and statistics, linear algebra, transform methods, difference and differential equations, numerical techniques, and mathematical techniques in optimization theory. Examples and case studies focus on applications to several engineering disciplines. The intended audience for this course is advanced seniors and entering MS engineering students who desire strengthening of their fundamental mathematical skills in preparation for advanced studies and research. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 400; consent of instructor. This course covers simulation methods essential for improving the manufacturability of semiconductor microchips. In particular, the simulation of microlithography processes is covered, as microlithography is the key component of semiconductor manufacturability. The following aspects are covered: optical simulation, photoresist simulation, etching, electron beam mask making simulation, and phenomenological models. Emphasis is placed on incorporating this information into current manufacturing R&D directions and on applying these simulation methods to help address key technology problems areas. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 102 or CAS MA 142 and CAS MA 226. Provides an overview of state-of-the-art techniques for robot motion planning. The emphasis is on the algorithms. It covers topology of configuration spaces, potential functions, roadmaps, cell decompositions, sampling-based algorithms, and model checking approaches to robot motion planning and control. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate standing plus an undergraduate course in semiconductors at the level of ENG EC 410, EC 453, EC 471, CAS PY 313, or PY 354, or consent of instructor. Physical processes and manufacturing strategies for the fabrication and manufacture of microelectronic devices. Processing and device aspects instrumental in silicon, including the fabrication of doping distributions, etching, photolithography, interconnect construction, and packaging. Future directions and connections to novel devices, MEMS, photonics, and nanoscale structures will be discussed. Emphasis will be on "designing for manufacturability." The overall integration with methods and tools employed by device and circuit designers will be covered. Same as ENG EC 579; students may not receive credit for both. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ENG ME 309 or equivalent. An introduction to the general theory of solid deformation; small deformation emphasized. Topics include: Cartesian tensors, indicial notation. Introduction to continuum mechanics: deformation of continuous media, deformation gradient, strain definitions. Stress, Cauchy's postulate, Cauchy and Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors. Balance laws. Constitutive equations, strain energy and Green's postulate. Linear Elasticity: two-dimensional problems, Airy stress function, in-plane loading of strips, St. Venant's principle, complex variable methods, Goursat-Muskhelishvili representation, stress concentrations around holes and cracks. Three-dimensional problems, Kelvin's solution, the Boussinesq problem, Hertzian contact, Eshelby's energy-momentum tensor. 4
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 309 or equivalent, some computer proficiency, and consent of instructor. Theory and practice of experimental techniques used in solid mechanics. Topics include ultrasonic NDE, optical strain techniques (e.g., Moire interferometry, spectroscopy), and material strength and stiffness testing (e.g., fracture, fatigue, elastic constants). Also examines the use of computer for data acquisition and control. Some discussion of theory related to filters, sampling theory, uncertainty analysis, and spectra and correlations is incorporated. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 309 and ENG ME 400 or equivalent. Fundamental concepts of modern materials behavior and materials engineering. Emphasis on analytical and numerical methods for predicting material properties and behavior, as well as some discussion of the relationships between solid structure and material properties. Topics include: constitutive relations, fracture, fatigue, plasticity, creep, damping, impact, and deformation. Elastic, plastic, and viscous behavior. Some discussion of the effects of processing-thermodynamics, kinetics-may be addressed. Specific examples from ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites is given, with the emphasis changing for each offering. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate standing or consent of instructor. Planning and execution of the process of bringing new tangible and intangible products to market. Review of the new product development process. Establishment of the new product specification. Setting of financial expectations. Formation and dynamics of the product implementation team. Organization of the new product introduction project including matrixed management and financial control. Contingency planning and risk management. Taught through case-based discussions, lectures, and readings. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EK 409 or equivalent. Strategic decision-making for technical people in manufacturing. Develops understanding of financial, organizational, and operational concepts used in the industrial firm. Provides practice in applying these concepts through analysis and discussion of case situations. Topics include communications and interpersonal skills; manufacturing operations; process alternatives and implications; support functions; interfaces with marketing, engineering, and finance; technology strategy; planning; and competitive assessment. Taught principally by in-class discussion, plus guest lectures and a plant tour. (Formerly MN 580.) 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
senior standing; grad prereq: proficiency in linear algebra. Hands-on experience with Rule-based methodology and Decision-Support Systems for manfacturing processes employing the Process-Design System (PDS). Design and implementation of process monitors networked to form server-based and transaction-driven process cells. 4 cr.
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