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4.00 Credits
graduate standing or consent of instructor. This course deals with the materials issues in microelectronics processing. Fundamental materials science concepts of bonding, electronic structure, crystal structure, defects, and phase diagrams are applied to key processing steps in microelectronics technology. Also included are single crystal growth, lithography, thermal oxidation of Si, dopant diffusion, ion implantation, thin film deposition, etching and back-end processing; as well as widely used microelectronics simulation software such as SUPREM. Materials challenges in emerging direction in micro- and nanoelectronics, including silicon on insulator technology, Si-Ge strained layers, and quantum dots will also be addressed. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
senior/graduate standing; background knowledge of chemistry CAS CH 101 or CAS CH 131; calculus through differental equations CAS MA 226; thermodynamics ENG ME 304 or ENG EK 424; and process kinetics ENG ME 465 or ENG ME 529; or consent of instructor. Relevant process engineering principles will be reviewed and utilized to study unit operations and processes that are employed in various manufacturing industries to comply with environmental laws and regulations. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
consent of instructor. Graduate-level introduction to manufacturing processes and their relationship to the structure/properties of materials. Detailed development of the structure of solids, equilibrium thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanical properties, and some key processes, such as machining, consolidation, and surface modification. (Formerly ENG MN 530.) 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CAS MA 226 and CAS MA 412, and ENG ME 421 or ENG ME 422. Presentation of basic fluid dynamics concepts relevant to understanding the theory of flight. Partial differential and integral equations of incompressible and compressible flow. Discussion of idealized two-dimensional flows using mathematics of complex variables and conformal mapping. Flow around wings and slender bodies. Lifting line theory, numerical panel methods, supersonic flows, unsteady aerodynamics. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 422. Incompressible fluid flow. Review of control-volume approach to fluids engineering problems, with advanced applications. Differential analysis of fluid motion. Derivation of full Navier-Stokes, Euler, and Bernoulli equations. Unsteady Bernoulli equation. Velocity potential and its application to steady 2D flows. Vorticity and vortex motion. Eulerian vs. Lagrangian analysis. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG EC 312 and ENG EC 450; ENG EC 441 is desirable; C programming experience. Considers the evolution of embedded network sensing systems with the introduction of wireless network connectivity. Key themes are computing optimized for resource constrained (cost, energy, memory, and storage space) applications and sensing interfaces to connect to the physical world. Studies current technology for networked embedded network sensors including evolving protocol standards. A laboratory component of the course introduces students to the unique characteristics of distributed sensor motes including programming, reliable communication, sensing modalities, calibration, and application development. Experience with the C language is required. Meets with ENG EC 544; students may not take both for credit. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 529. Electrochemistry of high temperature fuel cells, batteries, and ceramic gas separation membranes. Types, advantages, and disadvantages of fuel cells currently being developed by the power generation industry, and the electrochemical underpinnings of fuel cell operation. Thermodynamics of fuel cells, electrode kinetics and mass transport in porous electrodes. Measurements techniques (dc polarization, ac impedance spectroscopy and blocking electrodes) used extensively in fuel cell research and development. Operation of batteries and ceramic gas separation membranes. Current manufacturing techniques used in fuel cell industry. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
ENG ME 415 or consent of instructor. Integrated design of systems to deliver quality products to customers. Lean manufacturing with hard automation. Worker empowerment with active learning. Creation of lean supply chains with control of logistics and information. Creating customer value in a world of excess capacity. Industry project required. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
graduate status or consent of the instructor. This course will explore the world of microelectromechanical devices and systems (MEMS). This requires an awareness of design, fabrication, and material issues involved in MEMS. We will go over this through a combination of lectures, case studies, and individual homework assignments. The course will cover design, fabrication technologies, material properties, structural mechanics, basic sensing and actuation principles, packaging, and MEMS markets and applications. The course will emphasize MEMS fabrication and materials. This is not because the other parts aren't important. Instead, it is because with MEMS fabrication and materials expertise there is something concrete students can do that will always help. When we examine the special topics and case studies, a lot of these other pieces will be put together. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
senior or graduate standing with basic CAD experience or consent of instructor. This interdisciplinary course teaches the student how to design, instrument, and control high-precision, computer-controlled automation equipment, using concrete examples drawn from the photonics, biotech, and semiconductor industries. Topics covered include design strategy, high-precision mechanical components, sensors and measurement, servo control, design for controllability, control software development, controller hardware, as well as automated error detection and recovery. Students will work in teams, both in-classroom and out-of-classroom, to integrate and apply the material covered in class to a term-long multi-part design project in PTC Pro-Engineer or other comparable CAD system, culminating in a group presentation at the end of the class. 4 cr.
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