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3.00 Credits
Prereq: junior standing. This course examines the issues, challenges, and opportunities women face in leading or creating companies, explores organizational policies developed to encourage and facilitate women's advancement and participation in companies, and helps students develop strategies for effectively managing their leadership or entrepreneurial career. Multiple perspectives are considered including macro environmental, business policy, and individual leadership. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
consent of instructor. 2 cr or 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG AC 222, SMG OB 221, and SMG SM 222. Junior requirement-component of SMG SM 323, The Cross Functional Core. Introduces students to the field of marketing management: analysis, planning and implementation of marketing strategies as the means for achieving an organization's objectives. Students analyze cases and participate in workshops that focus on key marketing management tasks: marketing research, consumer behavior, segmentation and targeting, sales forecasting, product and brand management, distribution channels, pricing, and promotion and advertising strategies. A semester-long business plan project explores the interactions and the cross functional integrations between marketing, operations, information systems, and finance. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. Required for Marketing concentrators. Provides insight into the motivations, influences, and processes underlying consumption behavior. Considers relevant behavioral science theories/frameworks and their usefulness in formulating and evaluating marketing strategies (i.e., segmentation, positioning, product development, pricing, communications). 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. Required for Marketing concentrators. Introduces tools and techniques of marketing research as an aid to marketing decision making. Definition of research problems, selection of research methodologies, design of research projects, interpretation of research results, and translation of research results into action. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. Explores in-depth the unique aspects of marketing to business and institutional customers in an increasingly complex, competitive and global marketplace. The course exposes students to a wide range of industrial products and services, and the technology, demand, competition, and requirements for success that characterize each of them. Topics include marketing strategy, organizational buyer behavior, business market segmentation, market development, product development, B-to-B e-commerce, pricing, marketing channels, and business marketing communications, in the context of the U.S. as well as global markets. The course is taught through lectures, case discussions, and presentations and is designed to develop the analytical, decision-making, and communication skills of the students. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. Covers topics relating to customer service management and focuses on the role of marketing in managing services. Also covered are human resource, information management, operational, and financial overlaps with marketing throughout the course. The focus of the course is on services, though there will be discussion of how services support products as well. Course includes an applied service marketing team project for a real organization (for an organization which has requested a student team to address its customer service issues). The final deliverable for this project is a team consulting project for the organization and a final consulting report presentation to the class and the organization's representative(s). 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. The management of large and small retail institutions. Topics include buying, merchandising, pricing, promotion, inventory management, customer service, control, and location selection. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323. This course is an introduction to personal selling and sales force management. It is divided into two parts. The first introduces students to good selling strategy, tactics, techniques, and skills. Topics addressed include leads generation and management; preparing and making sales presentations and sales calls; handling objections, networking; building relationships; closing deals; and ethics. The second part focuses on issues related to managing a salesperson or a group of salespeople: sales force sizing, recruitment, selection, and training; designing compensation and reward schemes; establishing sales objectives/quotas; supervising, mentoring, coaching, and motivating salespeople. The course employs a combination of cases, lectures, role plays, videos, and classroom exercises. 4 cr.
4.00 Credits
SMG MK 323 (also offered in London). Develops a critical appreciation of both the opportunities and challenges associated with the increasing globalization of markets. Students will learn about the key environmental forces shaping the needs and preferences of the global consumer and the impact of foreign, political, and economic factors on the marketing mix. 4 cr.
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