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1.00 Credits
Linear equati ns and inequalities, graphs, functi ns and systems f equati ns. This m dule includes c mp und inequalities, abs lute value inequalities, functi n n tati n, linear functi ns and systems f equati ns in three variables. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020 and MAT 026 r MAT 029.
1.00 Credits
Radical expressi ns, equati ns and functi ns and quadratic functi ns and equati ns. This m dule includes radical functi ns, simplifying and perf rming perati ns n radical expressi ns, s lving radical equati ns and the c mplex numbers. It als c vers s lving quadratic equati ns, graphing quadratic functi ns and s lving p lyn mial and rati nal inequalities. Prerequisite: MAT 108.
1.00 Credits
Exp nential and l garithmic functi ns and the c nic secti ns. This m dule includes inverse and c mp site functi ns, pr perties f l garithmic and exp nential functi ns, s lving exp nential and l garithmic equati ns and mathematical m deling with exp nential and l garithmic functi ns. It als c vers graphing c nic secti ns, applicati ns f c nic secti ns and n nlinear systems f equati ns. Prerequisite: MAT 109.
1.00 Credits
Real numbers, exp nential n tati n, perati ns n p lyn mials, and fact ring. This m dule includes s lving equati ns, inequalities, rati nal and radical equati ns, and handling dimensi n symb ls and rati nal exp nents. Quadratic equati ns and applied pr blems, including variati n, are als c vered. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020. Prerequisite: MAT 102 r MAT 110.
1.00 Credits
Graphing f equati ns, including symmetry and inverses, functi ns and transf rmati ns. This m dule includes linear functi ns, including distance and mid-p int f rmulas, quadratic functi ns, mathematical m dels, and equati ns and inequalities, including quadratic and abs lute value. Prerequisite: MAT 114.
1.00 Credits
Systems f equati ns in three r m re variables, matrices, and determinants. This m dule includes linear pr gramming. Exp nential and l garithmic functi ns, c mm n l garithms, the number 'e,' and exp nential and l garithmic equati ns are als included. Prerequisite: MAT 115.
1.00 Credits
Triangles, unit circle, circular functi ns, graphs and algebraic and trig n metric manipulati ns. This m dule includes angular speed, trig n metric functi n f angles f r tati ns, and trig n metric tables. Identities and f rmulas, inverses f trig n metric functi ns, and trig n metric equati ns are als included. Prerequisite: MAT 116 r MAT 121.
1.00 Credits
S lving right triangles, laws f sine and c sine, vect rs, c mp nents f vect rs, applied pr blems, p lar c rdinates, and f rces in equilibrium. This m dule includes imaginary and c mplex numbers, c njugates, equati ns and c mplex numbers, graphic representati n, p lar n tati n, and DeM ivre's The rem. P lyn mials, remainder and fact r the rems, synthetic divisi n, r ts, graphs f p lyn mials, and rati nal functi ns are als included. Prerequisite: MAT 117.
1.00 Credits
C nic secti ns and systems f first- and sec nd- degree equati ns. This m dule includes arithmetic and ge metric sequences and series, infinite ge metric series, and mathematical inducti n. Permutati n and c mbinati ns, bin mial the rem, and pr bability are als included. Prerequisite: MAT 118.
3.00 Credits
3 Credits Offered Fall The first semester of a precalculus course designed for students who will study calculus. Topics include ordering, absolute values, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, quadratic inequalities, partial fractions, irrational equations, and the complex plane. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020. Prerequisite: MAT 102 or MAT 110. Course Offerings . There are currently no sections of this course being offered.