Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
An intr ducti n t gl bal warming, climate change, the depleti n f key finite energy res urces, and what these phen mena may p rtend. The c urse draws n the natural and s cial sciences t examine current and p ssible future resp nses. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020 and ENG 060.
4.00 Credits
A field experience f cused n the bi l gical diversity f Everglades Nati nal Park. This c urse includes the natural hist ry f fl ra and fauna within sawgrass prairie, tr pical hardw d hamm ck, bald cypress head, pineland and c astal mangr ve ec systems. Practical skills in descriptive ec l gy are devel ped thr ugh guided field study. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020 and ENG 060. Prerequisite: Permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
A field c urse in the tr pical ec systems. This c urse expl res the bi l gical diversity f the New W rld tr pics and inc rp rates natural hist ry f fl ra and fauna within primary and sec ndary f rests, riparian z nes, river channels, f rest clearings, and f rest can py. Practical skills in bi diversity are devel ped thr ugh guided field study. Skills prerequisite: ENG 020 and ENG 060. Prerequisite: Permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
An intr ducti n t field data c llecti n meth ds. Students will ch se, design, and carry- ut a field- riented research pr ject, including final rep rting. The c urse will use GPS/GIS, lapt p/handheld c mputers, radi -telemetry, seining and livetrapping surveys t immerse students in all aspects inv lved in the study f wildlife bi l gy. Skills prerequisite: ENG 060. Prerequisites: High sch l bi l gy, BI 105, r permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
Ec l gical, bi l gical, and human interventi n fact rs affecting wildlife p pulati ns. This c urse emphasizes the p pulati n ec l gy and bi l gy f game, n n-game, and endangered species. Field labs investigate s me f these fact rs by c llecting and analyzing data ab ut wildlife p pulati ns. Prerequisite: ENG 101 and MAT 021 r permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
Bi l gical, physical, and chemical c mp nents f freshwater aquatic habitats and their ec l gical relati nships. Lab rat ries inv lve bservati n, c llecti n, and analysis f aquatic samples using scientific techniques. Prerequisite: ENG 101 and MAT 021 r permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
A sequel t Berkshire C mmunity C llege travel-study c urses. Students c ntinue t expl re t pics such as bi diversity, natural hist ry f fl ra and fauna, ge l gic and physi graphic features, cultural hist ry, and ec t urism in rem te l cati ns. Activities and assignments are ch sen t increase the level f challenge and f ster gr wth bey nd the expectati ns established in pri r c urse w rk. Prerequisite: Any BCC travel-study c urse with an ENV designati n r permissi n f the instruct r.
4.00 Credits
A study f envir nmental c ntaminati n and its effects n life and s ciety. Principles f t xic l gy will be studied with case studies drawn fr m areas such as PCB's in the H usat nic River t pesticides in f d. The c urse examines envir nmental impacts at all levels, fr m the DNA m lecule t humans and the ec system. Skills prerequisite: MAT 021. Prerequisite: ENG 101.
3.00 Credits
F r students with a f undati n in the field. Student and instruct r determine the pr ject and the number f credits t be earned. Individual r small gr up pr jects, especially in the field, may be inv lved. Regularly scheduled meetings between student and instruct r are required. Prerequisite: Permissi n f the department chair r pr gram advis r.
4.00 Credits
F r students with a f undati n in the field. Student and instruct r determine the pr ject and the number f credits t be earned. Individual r small gr up pr jects, especially in the field, may be inv lved. Regularly scheduled meetings between student and instruct r are required. Prerequisite: Permissi n f the department chair r pr gram advis r.
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