Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Set theory, elementary logic, sequences and mathematical induction, functions and relations, counting techniques, matrix theory, graphs and trees. MATH 200 satisfies the Core Curriculum requirement in Mathematics. MATH 200 assumes more mathematical preparation than MATH 1 31.
3.00 Credits
The analysis of experimental data, including data from both laboratory and natural settings. Parametric analysis through two-way analysis of variance and nonparametric statistics. This course is cross-listed as PSYC 201.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to the concepts and methods of statistics, including descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, dispersion and shape, as well as data organization), probability theory, probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, types of error, correlation and regression, and analysis of variance. Computer software which provides statistical capabilities is used to apply the concepts covered to realistic data sets from the biological and/or social sciences.
3.00 Credits
The differential and integral calculus of scalar and vector-valued functions in one and several variables. Prerequisite: MATH 152.
4.00 Credits
Vectors in the plane and in space, vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices and determinants, systems of linear equations, characteristic values and vectors, inner product spaces and orthogonality. Prerequisites: MATH 255; or MATH 152 and permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Mathematical logic; proof techniques and proof writing; set theory (including Cantor's theory of the infinite); relations and functions; theoretical foundations of number systems including the natural numbers, integers, rationals, reals, and complex numbers. Prerequisite: MATH 152.
4.00 Credits
This course provides experience in a school setting for students seeking teacher certification and for others interested in learning more about the nature of the school, the nature of children, the nature of mathematics education, and about teaching/learning processes within school settings. Students may take at most two of the following courses for a total of up to four semester-hours: ILCC 293, ILCS 293, IlLCF 293, ILCG 293, EDUC 293, MATH 293. Prerequisite: MATH 256; or MATH 152 and permission of the instructor.
4.00 Credits
Solution methods for first-order differential equations; existence and uniqueness theorems; solutions of second-order linear differential equations; power series methods; Laplace transformations; applications. Prerequisite: MATH 256; or MATH 152 and permission of instructor.
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
A study of abstract algebraical systems and the mappings which preserve their structure: groups, rings, fields, and vector spaces; homomorphisms and isomorphisms. Credit is allowed for MATH 321 without registration for MATH 322. Prerequisite for MATH 321: MATH 281. Prerequisite for MATH 322: MATH 321.
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
The real number system, metric spaces, compactness and connectedness, convergence and summability, limits and continuity, measure and integration. Credit is allowed for MATH 351 without registration for MATH 352. Prerequisite for MATH 351: MATH 281. Prerequisite for MATH 352: MATH 351.
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