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3.00 Credits
The course will review basic chemical principles commonly presented in high school chemistry and emphasize solving mathematical problems usually done in freshman college-level chemistry. Prerequisite: satisfaction of math proficiency requirements. Ahigh school chemistry course is recommended. Not open to students who have already passed a chemistry course numbered 101 or higher. Cr 2.
3.00 Credits
General topics in chemistry including introductory units on matter and its properties; measurement; elements and compounds; atomic structure; solutions, dispersions, and water; osmotic pressure; chemical bonds; chemical nomenclature; stoichiometry; radio-chemistry; gases; acids, bases and buffers; and energy relationships in chemical processes. Three hours lecture per week (usually concurrent with CHY 102K). Prerequisite: high school algebra. Not appropriate for science majors, pre-med, pre-vet or pre-dentistry students. Cr 3.
1.00 Credits
Experiments will be designed to teach students how to perform accurate and reliable measurements using the major parameters of mass and volume. Topics to be covered include: physical and chemical changes; separation of a mixture; analysis of an ionic solution; properties of water; gases; acids, bases and buffers; titration. One recitation and two laboratory hours per week. Corequisite: CHY 101K. Not appropriate for chemistry or biology majors. Cr 1.
3.00 Credits
Stress will be placed upon topics of special importance for students of the health sciences: nomenclature of organic compounds; electron distribution in organic molecules; structural features of organic molecules; substitution, elimination, and addition reactions; oxidation reduction reactions; carbohydrates; lipids; proteins and amino acids; enzymes; nucleic acids; metabolism; summary of some aspects of nutrition; pharmaceuticals; medical applications of radiochemistry. Three lecture hours per week (usually concurrent with CHY 104). Prerequisite: a grade of C or better in CHY 101K. Not appropriate for science majors, pre-med, prevet or pre-dentistry students. Cr 3.
1.00 Credits
Students will perform experiments to illustrate aspects of organic chemistry of importance to living systems, as well as elementary principles of biochemistry. Topics include separation and identification of organic compounds; qualitative reactions of lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids; introduction to enzyme chemistry. One recitation and two laboratory hours per week. Offered spring semester. Corequisite: CHY 103. Not appropriate for chemistry or biology majors. Cr 1.
3.00 Credits
Aone-semester introduction to general, organic, and biological chemistry for the health sciences. Topics include acids and bases, pH, chemical kinetics and equilibria, the chemistry of organic compounds; carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids. This course is not suitable for chemistry majors, biology majors, or pre-professionals (pre-dental, pre-medical, pre-veterinary). Cr 3.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Experiments in this laboratory are designed to illustrate principles from CHY107. Aims of the course are to develop skill in using common laboratory equipment, measuring and analyzing data, and in reporting results of lab work. One three-hour meeting per week. Corequisite or prerequisite: CHY107. Cr 1.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to chemistry and its importance to society. This course is centered on the nature of atoms and molecules, and how the structures of molecules give rise to the beneficial and harmful effects of chemicals. Classroom examples include medicines, consumer products, pollutants, and the molecules of life. Laboratory and home experiments include examining the chemical content of foods. This course is designed to satisfy the natural Sciences (Area K) requirement of the Core curriculum. Prerequisite: completion of all Core Basic Competence requirements. Cr 4.
3.00 Credits
Apresentation of fundamental principles of chemical science. These principles will be presented in quantitative terms and illustrated by examples of their applications in laboratories and in ordinary non-laboratory experience. This course and CHY 114 (normally taken concurrently) provide the basis for further study of chemistry. Prerequisite: satisfaction of USM math minimum proficiency requirements. Cr 3.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory experiments to illustrate the principles that are presented in CHY 113 lectures. One recitation and two laboratory hours per week. Corequisite: CHY113K. Cr 1.
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