Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The intent of this course is for students to learn how to help people plan for and find enjoyment in leisure. Theories and techniques of counseling will be included. Students will learn how to help clients identify barriers and to assess their values, attitudes, and interests as they relate to their leisure behavior. Students will be expected to work on projects in small groups. Prerequisite: majors only or permission of the instructor. Cr 3.
3.00 Credits
Using a systems approach to therapeutic recreation program development, students will learn how to develop group-oriented treatment and educational programs. Leisure assessment, documentation, and individualized treatment plan development will be introduced. Students will be required to meet together outside of class to work on group program development projects. Prerequisites: REC 121, REC 225, majors only. Cr 3.
3.00 Credits
This course provides an overview of physical and developmental disabilities with emphasis on etioloUSM
3.00 Credits
The course focuses on how to facilitate and then process outdoor/adventure/recreation activities as a means to improve self-concepts, develop group cohesion and uncover feelings, among others. Course objectives will be met through experiential as well as theoretical methods, thus allowing the student to acquire the skills necessary to lead groups through similar activities. Class format will be lectures, discussions, group activities, and presentations by class members. The course will address how to plan, implement, lead, debrief, and evaluate adventure experiences. Prerequisite: REC 241. Cr 3.
24.00 Credits
This course examines therapeutic recreation services in a variety of habilitation and rehabilitation settings. Emphasis will be on individual treatment planning, intervention strategies, and the development of diagnostic and treatment protocols. Students will be required to work in groups and participate in class leadership. A 24-hour practicum experience at an outside treatment facility is required. Prerequisites: REC 332, PSY 333, HRD 200J and SWO 388 or CON 497 and recreation and leisure studies major or instructor permission. Cr 3.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course is open only to students majoring in therapeutic recreation who have identified a topic, relevant to their major, that they want to study in depth. Students must obtain a faculty supervisor and negotiate a written independent study contract with this person. Independent study forms can be obtained from the Department. Cr 1-3.
3.00 Credits
This course will prepare students for an extended internship experience. Students will complete all of the tasks necessary to secure an internship placement. Serious study and discussion of topics such as professional conduct, ethics, safety, and risk management will be required. This course must be taken immediately prior to Internship. Prerequisites: Recreation core courses and instructor's permission. Cr 3.
3.00 Credits
Students are required to work a minimum of 490 hours in an agency that provides recreation or therapeutic recreation services. During this period the students will apply the knowledge, methods, and leadership techniques which have been learned in academic courses. Students will be directly supervised by qualified agency personnel and indirectly supervised by faculty. This course is usually taken the senior year. Prerequisites: REC 494 and instructor's permission. Health insurance is required of students enrolled in this course. Cr 12.
3.00 Credits
An overview of management roles in therapeutic recreation settings with major focuses on comprehensive program development, supervision of professional and volunteer personnel, policy and strategy development and quality assurance. Each student is required to develop a comprehensive program and policy manual. Students will apply the information learned during internships to course assignments and discussions. Prerequisite: REC 495. Cr 3.
1.50 Credits
RHF courses are designed to provide education and skill development in a particular recreation or health/fitness activity. Because skill and/or fitness development are objectives in all RHF courses, students must attend and participate in class activities in order to pass. The Department reserves the right to request written medical clearance for participation in courses that require high intensity exercise. An * after a course number indicates that students will be required to pay a vendor charge for access to activity environments and/or equipment. The course instructor will explain any charge. The following are the RHF activity areas: RHF 101 Tennis; RHF 106 Ballroom Dance; RHF 107 Aerobics; RHF 108 Step Aerobics; RHF 109 Beginning Weight Training; RHF 114* Rock Climbing; RHF 117 Low Impact Aerobics; RHF 118 Yoga; RHF 121 Self- Defense; RHF 122 Aerobic Kickboxing; RHF 124 T'ai Chi Qigong; RHF 126 Stability and Physio- Ball Exercise; and RHF 127 Pilates. Cr 1.5 each.
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