Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course includes in-depth discussion of current communication topics including workplace diversity, technology, correspondence applications, proposals, business plans, visual aids, teamwork, interpersonal communications, listening, nonverbal messages, presentation skills and employment communication. Positive, neutral, goodwill, negative and persuasive letters will be prepared. Prerequisites: CO-EN 103, CO-EN 104.
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
Basic concepts of investing, including market mechanics, investment vehicles, terminology, fundamental and technical analysis of stocks. A trip to visit the financial district in New York and/or Washington D.C. may be included. (Prerequisite: permission of instructor, offered alternate years.)
3.00 Credits
Types of managerial functions necessary for organizational operation are explored. The course is built around the topics of planning, organizing, directing, controlling and decision-making.
3.00 Credits
A survey course where policies, practices and procedures of marketing within the private and public sector are learned. Emphasis is given to promotion, pricing, product and distribution. Prerequisite: at least sophomore standing.
3.00 Credits
Study of decision-making technics involving working capital management, capital budgeting, long-term financing, dividend policy, and mergers with emphasis on time-value of money. Prerequisites: BS-AC 220, BS-EC 261.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to management in the not-for-profit setting; includes preparation and maintenance of budgets, simple accounting procedures, internal controls to prevent theft and mismanagement, fund raising, personnel management (hiring, firing, record keeping, working with staff and volunteers), time management, effective letter writing, risk management and insurance, and legal contracts. Designed for those involved full time or in a volunteer role in notfor- profits, such as churches, church boards, civic, community, or service organizations. (offered alternate years.)
3.00 Credits
This course examines the psychological and sociological variables important in understanding individual motivation, group functioning, change, creativity, organizational design, conflict and leadership in organizations. Particular attention is given to the application of leadership and management principles within the organizational structure. The course focuses on four distinct interrelated topics; the individual, the group, the organizational system, and the organizational dynamics. A series of self-assessments will help students determine their own organizational fit, as well as provide information concerning personal strengths and weaknesses related to managing an organization.
3.00 Credits
Topics include staffing, performance appraisal, compensation, training and development, employee rights, and unionization. Contemporary issues include quality of work-life and legal environment. (offered alternate years.)
3.00 Credits
A study of the basic legal principles governing contracts, commercial papers, sales, agency, employment, partnerships, corporations, and other commercial transactions.
3.00 Credits
A study of the factors influencing bank reserves and the money supply while the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury attempt to control these same factors. Emphasis includes monetary theory and analysis of current policy issues. Several financial intermediaries will be explored. Prerequisite: BS-EC 261. (offered on demand.)