Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Topics chosen by instructor. The course content will vary. It may be repeated for credit provided that a different topic is chosen. Pre: varies with topic.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
Geological, chemical, physical and biological aspects of the ocean; structure, formation and features of ocean basins; seawater's properties and their distribution; currents, waves, tides; characteristics of marine organisms; marine ecological principles. Pre: two high school or college science courses or consent of the instructor.
2.00 Credits
The basic techniques of oceanography including; marine charts and navigation , bathymetry, marine sediments, techniques for measuring salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and surface and deep circulation, light and sound in seawater, wave dynamics, tides, plankton sampling and identification. In-class field trips required. Pre: Concurrent or previous enrollment in MARE 201.
3.00 Credits
This course is intended to provide the novice boater with skills needed to safely operate and conduct research from a small boat. Topics include: state and federal regulations, safety, navigation, small boat handling, and conducting research operations. The course will consist of lectures, lab sessions, and time on the water in a small boat. Participants must be able to swim. Pre: Instructor's consent.
3.00 Credits
Hands-on approach to designing field experiments, collection of ecological data, analysis of data on computers using statistical methods, and presentation of results. Requires completion of a project using data collected in the field followed by the preparation of both written and oral reports. Pre: MARE/BIOL 171 or MARE 201, or instructor's consent.
3.00 Credits
The application of commonly utilized nearshore underwater ecological surveying techniques using SCUBA. Intensive two-week course combining lecture and field work. Data will be collected in the field, reduced, analyzed and presented in an oral report. Pre: Authorization as a scientific diver in training before start of course and instructor's consent.
3.00 Credits
Principles of ecology and evolution for Marine Science majors stressing integrated approach and recent advances. Topics include (but are not limited to) evolutionary mechanisms, macroevolution, systematics and origin of life, population and community ecology and ecological processes, marine communities, dispersal, biodiversity and biogeography. Pre: MARE 171/171L, MARE 172 and MARE 201, or consent of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Principal components of global change and impacts on the marine environment. Course focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of global change and interrelationships to biological, physical, anthropological, economic, and political concepts. Pre: College-level science course.
1.00 Credits
Elements of global change in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the Hawaiian Islands using laboratory exercises and field trips. Involves shipboard water sampling and analysis, snorkeling on coral reefs, and hiking in rain forests. Pre: MARE 282 or concurrent enrollment.
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