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3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the cost estimating process related to the site work and highway construction industry, and examines construction drawings and specifications documents as they relate to cost estimation process. The course also covers key aspects of project planning, scheduling, and management. Topics include: bid documents, estimating process, cost of labor and equipment, handling and transporting materials, earthwork and excavation, computerized estimating, techniques for economy studies of multiple alternatives, project scheduling, project management, and safety.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Parameters, equations and procedures for the design of wastewater and storm water collection systems, parameters, equations and procedures for the design of water distribution systems, pumps, pump curves, pumping stations, sizing storage tanks and wetwells. Design of wastewater and stormwater collection systems. Rainfall- runoff computations. Hardy-Cross method for pipe networks. Design of culverts, drop structures, sheet flow, computer programs for unlined channel design.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Characteristics of concrete materials, introduction to ACI building code requirements for reinforced concrete, strength design of slabs, beams, columns and footings. Design/computational laboratory activities in support of instruction.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Characteristics of structural steels, introduction to AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) specifications. Design of tension members, columns, beams, beam-columns and connections. Design/computational laboratory activities in support of instruction.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
A synthetic approach to highway design based on considerations of geometric controls, structural requirements, drainage needs, and economy. Laboratory includes design projects, field stake out of horizontal curves, cross-sectioning, and slope staking.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Introduction to soil mechanics and foundations, including: soil composition, index properties, classification, exploration, compaction, permeability and seepage, stress distribution, consolidation, settlement, shear strength, bearing capacity, lateral earth pressure; and application of soil mechanics to design of foothings and analysis of retaining walls and pile foundations. Laboratory includes evaluation of soil properties, using the test results in design and analysis.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Sources and characteristics of water and wastewater. Principles of design for units and processes in water and wastewater treatment plants. Treatment standards. Standard laboratory tests used to control the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants. Field trips to water and wastewater treatment plants. Computer program for design of water treatment units.
3.00 Credits
Designed to be culmination of the undergraduate civil engineering technology educatio, the course draws together divers elements of the CET curriculum to provide intergrating experiences and to develop competence in focusing both technical and nontechnical skills in solving problems. The project involves design and analysis of a new or modified civil engineering project or system with demostration feasibility.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Individual and specialized study in areas of civil engineering technology (CET) not otherwise covered in the student's program. Prereqisites: Senior standing, identification and definition of a problem or study area and approval of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to the pivotal role of our ability to apply scientific principles, appropriate and advancing technologies, and best practices in establishing a sustainable global environment. The course involves active discussion of global environmental and sustainability issues such as pollution, conservation, and climate change.
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