Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
An analysis of existing, emerging and proposed Technology Education programs. Content provides a foundation for the planning and implementation of quality programs of instruction at different levels.
3.00 Credits
Explores new development in the field of drafting and design emphasizing the relationship of materials and form in the selection and design of projects. Participants obtain hands on experience through actual design problems and their solutions.
3.00 Credits
An advanced study of Technology Education for experienced teachers, administrators and supervisors. Emphasis is placed on the development of sound principles and practices for initiating, conducting and evaluating programs. Participants will gain practical experiences and conduct intensive research on individual and group problems.
3.00 Credits
A survey of past and present philosophies that have influenced the development of Technology Education. Inclusion of movements, leaders and events will be interjected as appropriate. Emphasis will be placed on the development and/or strengthening of a personal philosophy.
3.00 Credits
A comprehensive study of organizational structures functioning as a continuum in the public schools. Explores appropriate school facilities in light of their recognized organizational structures. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of guidelines for administration and supervision.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Principles of the level, theodolite, EDM, total station and and global positioning system, taping, note keeping, coordinate geometry, control surveys, triangulation, trilateration, plane coordinate systems, azimuth and topographic mapping. Laboratory includes use of level, theodolite, EDM, total staion, GPS, traverse closure, topographic mapping, measuring distances and heights using coordinate geometry calculations.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Review of role of EPA in environmental protection. Basic hydrology of catchments. Causes, estimation and control of storm waters. Surface water, groundwater, air and noise pollution, plus control methodology. Principles of solid waste systems, and hazardous waste control. Standard EPA approved laboratory tests to evaluate environmental pollution. Stream sanitation and DO sag curve. Computer programs to trace movement and concentration of pollutants in rivers, estuaries, and aquifers, plus aquifer rehabilitation using injection and pumped wells.
0.00 - 4.00 Credits
Introduction to types of structures and loads. Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures by classical and other methods. The types of structures covered include beams, plane trusses and plane frames. topics include external and internal reactions, deflections, moving loads and influence lines, approximate methods (including portal method and cantilever method), classical slope-deflection and moment distribution methods, and an introduction to matrix method. Computational laboratory activities in support of instruction, including use of industry-standard structural analysis software.
3.00 Credits
Overview of transportation engineering with respect to operational and traffic charateristics of land, air, and water transportation systems. Emphasis on design and traffic control devices. Labratory involves data measurements and analysis techniques associated with transpotation engineering.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Introduction to engineering properties of common civil engineering materials including metals, soils, aggregates, Portland cement concrete, asphalt cocrete, wood, and masonary. Labrotory involves performance of standard test aggregates, concretes, woods; emphasizing data analysis and application of test results to design specifications.
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