Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Response surface methodology is introduced. First- and second-order models and designs are studied which includes determining optimum conditions and methods of estimating response surfaces. Multiresponse experiments, nonlinear response surface models, and mixture designs are also studied.
3.00 Credits
Philosophy of statistical process control is studied along with SPC techniques of control charts, process-capability, designed experiments and acceptance sampling.
3.00 Credits
Random variables, density functions, mathematical expectation, discrete and continuous distributions, moments and moment-generating functions and limiting distributions.
3.00 Credits
Rigorous introduction/development of interval estimation, test of significance, comparison of k means, randomized block design, multiple comparison procedures, nonparametric test and linear regression. The general linear model will be introduced.
3.00 Credits
Survival distributions and life tables, life insurance, life annuities, net premiums, multiple life functions, multiple decrement models, valuation theory for pension plans, collective risk models, population theory and theory of pension funding.
3.00 Credits
Poisson process, renewal theory, Markov chains, Brownian motion, random walks and Martingales and stochastic order relations.
3.00 Credits
Basic ideas of stochastic model building techniques with applications are discussed. Properties of the autocorrelation function and the spectrum of stationary processes are investigated. Models studied include the linear stationary ARMA and linear nonstationary ARIMA models along with forecasting models.
3.00 Credits
Probabilistic models for the reliability of coherent systems, statistical models for lifetimes of components and repairable systems, including the nonhomogeneous Poisson process, reliability estimation and prediction, MIL standards and accelerated life testing.
3.00 Credits
Basic computer organization and computer arithmetic are investigated. Programming languages and statistical software packages are explored. Methods for approximating cumulative distribution function and percentage points of a probability distribution are studied including nonparametric procedures. Multiple comparison procedures are also examined. Random number generation and statistical tests for testing random number generators are explored.
3.00 Credits
Various computational methods in linear algebra as applied to such statistical methods as multiple linear regression, designed experiments, multivariate analysis and the general linear model. Further topics include computational methods for unconstrained optimization, nonlinear regression and model fitting based on criteria other than least squares.
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