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New Jersey Institute of Technology

Newark, New Jersey
  • Public
    4 year
  • 7,111
    Full + Part time Students
  • 1:16
    Faculty to Student Ratio
  • 9%
    Transfer Student Ratio
  • $17.8K
    Avg. Financial Aid
NJIT offers 125 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in six specialized schools instructed by expert faculty, 98 percent of whom hold the highest degree in their field. Our academic programs are fully accredited by the appropriate accrediting boards, commissions and associations such as Middle States, ABET, and NAAB. We have amazing students from all over the world, and we rank #1 in New Jersey in awarding engineering degrees to African-American and Hispanic students. Our extensive Continuing and Professional Education programs and online courses offer important training for professionals already on the job and our competitive industry internships help land you one of your own.
graduates in regalia holding diplomas


Total Faculty 403
Full-Time Undergraduate 5,529
Part-Time Undergraduate 1,582
Application Acceptance Rate 64%
Transfer Students 645
Programs 88 Programs
Courses 2,773 Courses
Transfer Agreements 23 incoming Transfer Agreements
Equivalencies 1,271 outgoing Equivalencies

Financial Information

In-State Tuition $14,740
Out-of-State Tuition $27,140
Books and Supplies $2,000
Federal Loans: Undergrads receiving aid 45%
Federal Loans: Average amount received $6,850
Scholarships & Grants: Undergrads receiving aid 56%
Scholarships & Grants: Average amount received $10,999
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid:
    NJIT participates in both federal and state financial aid programs. A limited number of scholarships are available to graduates of NJ community colleges.

Information for Transfer In Students

  • Transfer Agreements:
    NJIT has articulation agreements with community colleges all over New Jersey. Your credentials will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis depending on your degree program and curriculum.
  • Credit For Life Experience:
    You may be able to earn course credit for college-level knowledge acquired through nontraditional education such as independent study or job-related experience. To find out more, contact Continuing Professional Education.

Application Deadlines for Transfer

Fall June 1
Spring November 15

Transfer Application Requirements

  • Minimum GPA:
    There is a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 (2.5 of some majors). Students who have below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average will not be admitted to a degree program.
  • Official Transcripts:
    Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges are required.
  • Essay:
    Their is an optional essay included on the application.
  • Application Fee:
    There is a $70 nonrefundable application fee.
  • Other Requirements:
    You must also provide a list of courses in progress.
  • Apply Here:

Transfer Credit Policy

  • Minimum Grade:
    Generally, college level courses completed at a regionally accredited institution will transfer to NJIT provided that grades of at least ā€œCā€ are earned and the course material is similar in content and scope to courses offered at NJIT.
  • Credits (Min/Max):
    You must have completed at least 15 semester hours (including English comp and Math/pre-calc for most majors) to apply as a trasfer student. There is no max, but you must earn 33 credits in the upper division courses to be eligible for graduation.
  • Transfer Policy Document:

New Jersey Institute of Technology

University Heights
Newark, New Jersey 07102
United States
Main Phone:
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Transfer Admission Contact:
Admissions Counselor
Last updated on 5/24/2012 by AcademyOne.