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Liberty University

Lynchburg, Virginia
  • Private
    4 year
  • 46.1K
    Full + Part time Students
  • 1:19
    Faculty to Student Ratio
  • 13%
    Transfer Student Ratio
  • $13.2K
    Avg. Financial Aid
Liberty University is a Christian academic community in the tradition of evangelical institutions of higher education. As such, Liberty continues the philosophy of education which first gave rise to the University, summarized in the following propositions. God, the infinite source of all things, has shown us truth through Scripture, nature, history, and, above all, in Christ. Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social and physical, created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe and God. Education as the process of teaching and learning involves the whole person, developing the knowledge, values and skills that enable the individual to change freely.
women's lacrosse game in action


Founded 1973
Full-Time Undergraduate 24,777
Part-Time Undergraduate 21,356
Transfer Students 6,168
Programs 90 Programs
Courses 1,030 Courses
Transfer Agreements 24 incoming Transfer Agreements
Equivalencies 7,902 outgoing Equivalencies

Financial Information

In-State Tuition $19,968
Out-of-State Tuition $19,968
Books and Supplies $1,400
Federal Loans: Undergrads receiving aid 69%
Federal Loans: Average amount received $7,836
Scholarships & Grants: Undergrads receiving aid 82%
Scholarships & Grants: Average amount received $5,381
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid:
    Liberty University offers a wide array of financial aid to those deserving of it and eligible.

Information for Transfer In Students

  • Accepts Transfers:
    Yes, Liberty University is a transfer-friendly school. Several hundred students choose to transfer to Liberty each spring and fall from community colleges, public colleges, and other Christian colleges and universities.

Application Deadlines for Transfer

Fall Rolling Admission
Spring Rolling Admission

Transfer Application Requirements

  • Minimum GPA:
    Liberty’s minimum GPA is a 2.0
  • Official Transcripts:
    All are required for submit official college transcripts unless your over the age of 22. Below 60 completed credits you must submit official high school transcripts unless you have an AA degree.
  • SAT Scores:
    21 years of age with less then 60 completed credits you must submit your standardized test scores.
  • Application Fee:
    $40 Non-Refundable Application Fee.
  • Apply Here:

Transfer Credit Policy

  • Credits (Min/Max):
    Liberty accepts credits from accredited schools across the country. To find out exactly what classes will transfer to Liberty you need to send your official college transcript to the admissions office.

Information for Transfer Out Students

  • Transfer Agreements:
    Guaranteed admission agreement: Virginia Community College System and Liberty University

Liberty University

1971 University Blvd
Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
United States
Main Phone:


Transfer Admission Contact:

Branch Campuses/Additional Locations

Liberty University Online
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg,, VA 24501
Last updated on 5/23/2022 by AcademyOne.