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Eastern Oregon University

La Grande, Oregon
  • Public
    4 year
  • 3,845
    Full + Part time Students
  • 1:24
    Faculty to Student Ratio
  • 17%
    Transfer Student Ratio
  • $13.7K
    Avg. Financial Aid
EOU encourages students to develop as people through a variety of experiences, including academics, co-curricular activities, and the four cornerstones of research, community service, internships or mentoring, and international or intercultural experiences.
graduation cap on a diploma with red ribbon


Total Faculty 112
Full-Time Undergraduate 2,318
Part-Time Undergraduate 1,527
Application Acceptance Rate 65%
Transfer Students 668
Programs 29 Programs
Courses 1,627 Courses
Transfer Agreements 4 incoming Transfer Agreements
Equivalencies 1,804 outgoing Equivalencies

Financial Information

In-State Tuition $7,238
Out-of-State Tuition $15,720
Books and Supplies $1,350
Federal Loans: Undergrads receiving aid 59%
Federal Loans: Average amount received $8,358
Scholarships & Grants: Undergrads receiving aid 65%
Scholarships & Grants: Average amount received $5,374
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid:
    Transfer scholarships are available to all new transfer students to Eastern Oregon University. The criteria for awarding are based on transfer GPA and need. Students can apply throughout the academic year with deadlines for Fall Term: September 1, Winter Term December 1, and Spring Term March 1.

Information for Transfer In Students

  • Technical/Vocation Credit Accepted:
    A maximum of 12 vocational/technical credits, completed with a grade of “C-” or better, will be accepted.

Application Deadlines for Transfer

Fall August 15
Winter November 15
Spring February 15
Summer May 15

Transfer Application Requirements

  • Minimum GPA:
    To be considered for admission as a transfer student you must have a 2.25 GPA or better with a minimum of 30 transferable quarter credits (or 20 transferable semester credits) from an accredited college or university.
  • Official Transcripts:
    Students graduating from high school in 1997 and beyond must submit an official copy of their high school transcripts. Your official college transcripts are also required.
  • SAT Scores:
    Applicants with fewer than 30 transferable quarter credits must submit official standardized test scores.
  • Essay:
    An essay or personal statement may be required of some applicants.
  • Interview:
    An interview is not required.
  • Associates Degree Required:
    Students with the AA Oregon Transfer (AAOT) Degree or an AS Oregon Transfer Degree in Business (ASOT) from an accredited Oregon community college will be considered as having met the general education distribution requirements at Eastern.
  • Other Requirements:
    To be considered for admission as a transfer student you must have successfully completed a minimum of two courses in the sciences, social sciences, or humanities.
  • Apply Here:

Transfer Credit Policy

  • Minimum Grade:
    The lowest grade earned for any course that may be transferred for credit is D.
  • Credits (Min/Max):
    You must earn 45 credits in residency at EOU to receive your bachelor's degree.
  • Transfer Policy Document:

Eastern Oregon University

One University Blvd
La Grande, Oregon 97850
Main Phone:
(541) 962-3672
Find us on:


Transfer Admission Contact:
Last updated on 5/23/2022 by AcademyOne.