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Bellevue University

Bellevue, Nebraska
  • Private
    4 year
  • 14K
    Full + Part time Students
  • 1:24
    Faculty to Student Ratio
  • 46%
    Transfer Student Ratio
Founded in 1966, Bellevue University is a non-profit, open access institution with more than 50,000 graduates worldwide. Bellevue University effectively engages students in earning awards and degrees that prepare them to thrive in a connected, competitive world. We provide students with a powerful foundation for personal value creation, instilling the confidence they need to take control of their lives and to be responsible citizens of the global community. We teach the value of a free market, capitalist economic system and the importance of preserving our American heritage of a democratic and free way of life.
man in red shirt speaking
two women smiling outdoors
volleyball team celebrating a point
student with hard hat and clipboard
man with beard in front of blackboard
basketball player jumping for a shot


Founded 1966
Full-Time Undergraduate 14,000
Programs 36 Programs
Courses 780 Courses
Transfer Agreements 3 incoming Transfer Agreements
Equivalencies 1,228 outgoing Equivalencies

Financial Information

Information for Transfer In Students

  • Accepts Transfers:
    Yes. We want to make your transfer to Bellevue as smooth as possible. Enroll with your associate’s degree, or close to 60-credit hours, and complete your bachelor’s degree online. We have an open transfer policy, so you won't have to repeat courses.
  • Percentage Accepted:
    88% of our 2018-2019 graduates were able to successfully transfer college credit to help complete their bachelor's degrees.
  • Transfer Agreements:
  • View Agreements:
  • Degree Completion Programs:
  • Technical/Vocation Credit Accepted:
  • Credit For Life Experience:
    We have many ways you can earn credit beyond the classroom, including credit for training on the job or in the military. CLEP & DSST offer more than 70 test options that can earn credit for prior learning.

Application Deadlines for Transfer

Rolling On-going

Transfer Application Requirements

  • Official Transcripts:
    Official transcripts from an accredited high school, or equivalent academic training (GED), and other institutes of higher education attended are required.
  • SAT Scores:
    SAT/ACT not required.
  • Application Fee:
    All applicants for admission have a one-time $50 fee for undergraduate programs. Waivers are available in certain circumstances.
  • Associates Degree Required:
    An associate's degree is not required, however, we’ve partnered with community colleges across the country to help students transfer their full associate’s degree toward their bachelor’s degree.
  • Apply Here:

Transfer Credit Policy

  • Minimum Grade:
    Transfer students must be in good standing with the last higher education institution attended. No individual course will be accepted when it carries a grade below C-. Associate degrees and bachelor degrees, however, are transferred in full.
  • Credits (Min/Max):
    To satisfy minimum residency degree requirements, transfer students must complete a minimum of 30 hours in-residence at Bellevue; residency includes online courses.

Information for Transfer Out Students

  • Transfer Agreements:
    Bellevue University holds articulation agreements with over 150 U.S. Colleges and select institutions abroad.

Bellevue University

1000 Galvin Rd South
Bellevue, Nebraska 68005
United States
Main Phone:
Find us on:
Delivery Method:
Online or in class, the choice is yours!


Transfer Admission Contact:
Charles Wright
Undergraduate Admissions Director
Scholarship Information
Last updated on 5/23/2022 by AcademyOne.